Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in Eastern Connecticut? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Eastern Connecticut, sorted by county. Some are
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for March 2025
Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.
Local meat, milk and eggs ranches and farms, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
New London County
Aries Crossing Sheepherding - Lamb, Mutton, No
hormones used, No antibiotics used, Eggs (free range), Within an
easy drive to an Interstate road,
888 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon,
CT 06249. Phone: 860-428-2954. Email:
ariescrossing@gmail.com. Open: by appointment. Directions:
Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover,
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: June 26, 2016)
Cold Spring Farm - Uses natural
growing practices, Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian
fed), Specialty eggs (see below), Chicken (free range), Turkey,
Duck, Beef, Pork, Lamb, No hormones used, No antibiotics used,
100% Grass fed (includes finishing), Fresh farm breakfasts,
Unpasteurized Goat Milk, sausage, Bacon (pork), Smoked meats,
Farm market with fruits and vegetables, Wedding facilities,
Hiking trails, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road,
Farm/ranch tours for visitors, School tours, No pets please,
handicap accessible, meeting room available, Honey from hives on
the farm, Fresh eggs, gift shop, picnic area (bring your own
food), farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding
parties, school tours
46 Town Rd, Colchester, Ct 06415,
Colchester, CT 06415. Phone: (860) 316-8368. Email:
coldspringfarmct@gmail.com. Open: Our Farm Stand is open
daily from dawn til dusk, all year - round.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment:
Cash, Venmo, SFMNP Vouchers.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: August 24, 2020)
Savitsky Farm - Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian
fed), Farm market with fruits and vegetables, children welcome,
Pets welcome, Fresh eggs
195 Cato Corner Rd, Colchester, CT
06416. Phone: 860-537-5815. Email:
savitskyfarm@gmail.com. Open: 7 days a week from dawn to
dusk. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Savitsky Farm is a family-run farm in centrally located
Colchester, Conn. Farmland since the 1700s, it has been in the
Savitsky family since 1950, and is now run by the 2nd & 3rd
generations who took it on in 1983. Natural and sustainable
methods are used in our fields to ensure that everything we
produce and sell is at peak quality. We are known for our sweet
corn, pumpkins, farm fresh eggs, and feed hay, but also take
pride in having a wide-ranging variety of vegetables, fruits,
and canned goods. Our products can be purchased at our
year-round farm stand, as well as area farmers' markets.
Terra Firma Farm (CSA) - milk, beef, pork, poultry, lamb
330 Al Harvey Road, Stonington, CT, 06378. Phone: 860-535-8171. Email us
at: info@terrafirmafarm.org. The
creamery at Terra Firma Farm is a farmstead creamery. We graze our cows on pasture grasses and forages throughout the spring, summer, and fall,
and then supplement them with hay harvested from our farm through the winter months. Research has shown that grass-fed dairy products are
rich in Vitamins A & E, and potent antioxidants like CLA and omega 3 fatty acids. Our dairy products are vat-pasteurized and non-homogenized,
leaving a beautiful layer of luscious cream on top. Make sure you shake your bottles before serving or collect your cream to use as you please.
Terra Firma Farm Facebook page.
Our grass-fed cows are raised on
pasture and rotated regularly to ensure we're taking care of them and the land. They're never fed with GMO's or growth hormones, given
antibiotics, or grazed on artificial pesticides. They graze and roam with big smiles! In turn, this creates the highest quality,
nutrition-packed beef for you to enjoy.
We raise our chickens according to the strictest production standards. They're treated
humanely (dare we say pampered?) with open space and plenty of bugs and grass for foraging. You can taste the difference in quality!
Our pigs are raised happy and healthy – unconfined, with plenty of room to roam and access to sun and fresh air. Our pork comes from happy pigs
in a natural habitat where they can forage. This directly impacts the quality (both flavor and nutrition) of the pork they produce.
Our lamb is 100% natural and grass-fed. We care for each animal individually from the day it is born so you can enjoy the highest quality and
healthiest product possible. Our rotational and regenerative grazing system allows our sheep to have access to high-quality feed every day which
is what makes our lamb so delicious.
- West Green Farm Orchard and Dairy - apples, dairy
119 West Town Street, Lebanon, CT
06249. Phone: 860-642-6745. Email: StevePreli@Westgreenfarm.com. Open: Pick-your-own apples
during the summer and fall for select fruit crops. Call ahead or visit their website or West Green
Farm Orchard and Dairy Facebook page for picking information. Directions: Located along the mile long Historic Lebanon Green. Their farm
store is in a refurbished 18th century barn. Typically closed during the winter months, re-open in June. CSA with fruit and vegetables grown
here on the farm. Full & half shares available. Contact us today to reserve your share. Raw Milk Herd Shares:
A weekly supply of Fresh Raw
Jersey Milk. A powerful nutrient dense food full of living health. My family grew up on it, drinking raw milk for health reasons and we continue
to drink it today. If you have health/gut issues or eczema raw milk may help you too. It did for us.
Windham County
Devon Point Farm - Chicken (free range), Beef, No
hormones used, No antibiotics used, 100% Grass fed (includes
finishing), snacks, refreshments and/or concessions,
Unpasteurized organic cow milk, Eggs (free range, vegetarian
fed), Farm market with fruits and vegetables, Within an easy
drive to an Interstate road, Farm/ranch tours for visitors,
School tours, children welcome, Honey from hives on the farm,
Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the premises), farm
market, concessions / refreshment stand
54 Joy Road,
Woodstock, CT 06281. Phone: 860-974-9004. Email:
devonpointfarm@gmail.com. Open: daily: Monday - Friday 9 am
to 5; Saturday - Sunday 9 am to 6. Directions: 54 Joy Road, just
off Route 169 and Route 171 in Woodstock CT. Payment: Cash,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. Raw Apple Cider made from
Unsprayed 'Beyond Organic' Apples - Apple Cider Donuts -
Unsprayed 'Beyond Organic' Apples for sale by the bag -
Pick-Your-Own Pumpkins - Demonstrations of our newly restored
Antique 1898 Cider Press - Hayrides, fun activities for kids and
more! Celebrate Fall with healthy apples and apple cider WITHOUT
pesticides, and no sprays whatsoever.it's good, clean fun at
Devon Point Farm every weekend this Fall. But hurry, our supply
of unsprayed apples is limited! You can visit the farm now and
stock up on our unsprayed apple cider, and simply freeze it
right in the jug for year-round use! We've created a suite of
pages on our website that explain in detail all about our RAW
Apple Cider, the story of the restoration of the apple cider
press and what we'll have to offer for Fall Family Fun! We will
be open weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm for apple, apple cider, and
pick your own pumpkins, though weekends will include the antique
apple cider press demonstrations, apple cider donuts, and
hayrides.(UPDATED: October 07, 2016)
Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm - Chicken (free range),
Turkey, Beef, Pork, No hormones used, Milk, Eggs (organic, free
range, vegetarian fed), Farm market with fruits and vegetables,
Ice cream shop, Snack bar, School tours, children welcome,
handicap accessible, Turkeys (organic, not-hormone-fed), gift
shop, concessions / refreshment stand, farm animals, school
227 Ekonk Hill Road, Sterling, CT 06354. Phone:
860-564-0248. Open: Please call for hours. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash,
Click here for our Facebook page.
Horse Listeners Orchard - Eggs (free range,
vegetarian fed), Fresh eggs
317 Bebbington Rd, Ashford, CT
06278. Phone: (860) 429-5336. Email:
matthewcouzens@sbcglobal.net. Open: Monday to Friday 1 pm to
6 pm Saturday and Sunday 9 am till 6 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards. (UPDATED: June 22, 2016, JBS)
Red Tail Farm - Chicken (NOT free range), Turkey,
Duck, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Goat meat, USDA Natural, No hormones
used, No antibiotics used, 100% grass and/or grain fed, Eggs
(free range), Eggs, Brown eggs, sausage, Bacon (pork), Smoked
meats, Turkeys (organic, not-hormone-fed), Honey from hives on
the farm, Fresh eggs
Brooklyn Turnpike, Windham, CT 06280.
Phone: 860-576-3035. Email:
redtailfarm06280@aol.com. Open: year round by appointment
only or online purchase.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard.
- Rock Spring Farm -
Uses natural growing practices, goat,
USDA Natural, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, 100% grass
and/or grain fed, Eggs (free range), Farm market with fruits and
vegetables, Hiking trails, Fishing onsite, Farm/ranch tours for
visitors, children welcome, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh
394 Pudding Hill Road (route 97), Hampton, CT 06247.
Phone: 860-942-8151. Email:
rockspringfarm@charter.net. Open: Sunday thru Friday, from 3
pm until 8 pm Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. Directions: From
Route 6, come South on Route 97, 3 miles, Farm on left From
Route 14, come North on Route 97, 2 miles, Farm on right.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural
practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment:
Cash, only. We have goat meat for sale. Processed in a USDA