Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in Boise and Southwestern Idaho? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Boise and Southwestern Idaho, sorted by county. Some are
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to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
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Updates for March 2025
Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.
Local meat, milk and eggs ranches and farms, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Ada County
Goshen Farm - Kosher, Unpasteurized Goat Milk, Eggs
(free range, vegetarian fed), Brown eggs,
Kuna Rd/cloverdale
Area, Kuna, ID 83634. Phone: 208-869-5627. Email:
cassiedayan@msn.com. Open: Call for pick up times.
Directions: Please call or e-mail for pick-up times.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. We have a small herd of
Oberhasli Dairy Goats (CAE/CL Free Herd). We are licensed by
State of Idaho to sell raw goats milk. Our goats have access to
pasture at all times, fresh hay, water, minerals, and milk is
filter, and cooled in glass containers. We offer both glass and
plastic containers, deliver to Boise and Meridian areas
available. We are working on our Kosher status. We also sell
fresh brown eggs (ungraded). Seasonal lamb is also available.
Boise County
Canyon County
Fresh Farms Co-op LLC - Unpasteurized Milk, Goat
Milk, Fresh eggs
Treasure Valley, Nampa, ID 83687. Phone:
208-899-6682. Email:
info@idahofreshfarms.org. Open:While we are no longer accepting members and producing on a scale that allows us to often add members, we would be happy to help you find sources of local raw
milk! You may call us at: 899-6682
Elmore County
Gem County
- JBAR Farms - Chicken (free range),
Turkey, Kosher, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, 100%
grass and/or grain fed, Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian
fed), Eggs (organic, vegetarian fed), Eggs (free range,
vegetarian fed), Eggs (vegetarian fed), Eggs (free range), Eggs,
Brown eggs, Turkeys (organic, not-hormone-fed), Fresh eggs
Kings Lane, Emmett, ID 83617. Phone: 208-994-9581. Email:
jbarproducts@gmail.com. Open: by appointment;
Call/text/email to make arrangements for pick up or delivery.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Farm fresh eggs are now available from JBAR Farms! Free range.
Corn-free. Soy-free. Egg subscription available on a weekly
basis or whenever you want them. $4.20 a dozen. Delivery to
Meridian, Nampa, Boise and beyond is available. Call or text or
drop me a message! Discounts offered for quantity orders,
standing orders, and saved egg cartons. All natural,
hormone-free Chicken and Turkey now available! $4.20/pound, with
discounts for bulk and quantity orders. Call or text or drop me
a message "I just cooked the most amazing turkey last night. It
was from JBar Farm. First off, it really got my heart reading
the little tag that was attached. He thanked me for buying one
of his turkeys. He explained how these turkeys were ranged and
had access to some cheat grass. "I learned this year that cheat
grass can show up in their skin as a black spot. please just cut
it out." This morning when I got my order, Josiah personally
came to deliver. He was very happy that the turkey was so good.
Thanks to all you people who grow our local food to be connected
to. I will not buy anymore commercial turkeys now that I have
had this experience." - Terri G, Boise, ID.
Owyhee County
Hardtrigger Canyon - Beef, USDA Natural, No hormones
used, No antibiotics used, 100% mixture of corn, grain, soybeans
and/or other natural supplemental feeds, Within an easy drive to
an Interstate road, No pets please,
10015 Wild Horse Road,
Melba, ID 83641. Phone: 208-546-4293. Alternate Phone:
208-205-3455. Email:
info@hardtriggercanyon.com. Open: Farm open by appointment
only; We're regularly available at the Capital City Farmer's
Market on 8th Street every Saturday April to October 9:30 am to
1:30 pm and November to December 10 am to 2 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Directions: Please call for an appointment.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Future Plans: For 2012 we will have a wide array of garden
vegetables and fresh honey from our private bee colonies here on
the Ranch. Our primary sales location is the Capital City
Farmer's Market in downtown Boise every Saturday from mid-April
to mid-December. Our booth is located in front of "the Fork"
restaurant, two booths south of the intersection of Idaho and
8th Street. Our dry aged, home grown, natural beef is available
"by the cut" as well as for halves and wholes allowing you to
determine the cuts your family enjoys the most. We also offer
high protein, Hard Red Spring Wheat in 50 lb. bags for $15 each.
Smaller quantities available and inquiries about bulk orders are
welcome. We are happy to connect in town on other days when
mutually agreeable to save you a trip to our farm.
Payette County
Washington County
- Matthews Family Farm - Pasture-raised, non-GMO
grain fed lamb, chicken, turkeys, eggs, honey, Precut Christmas trees,
426 Krause Rd, Weiser, ID 83672. Phone: 208-880-5863. Text:
208-550-0657. Email:
matthewsfamilyfarms@yahoo.com. Open: Monday to Friday from 12 pm to 5:30 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 5:30 pm and Sunday from 12 pm to 4 pm.
Also Pasture-raised, non-GMO grain fed lamb, chicken, turkeys & eggs, as well as honey & honey products.
(ADDED: December 5, 2023, JBS)