Find locally raised meat, milk and eggs near you!

Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in Topeka and Northeastern Kansas? Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Topeka and Northeastern Kansas, sorted by county. Some are organic ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for March 2025

Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.

Local meat, milk and eggs ranches and farms, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Atchison County

Brown County

Doniphan County

Douglas County

Franklin County

Jackson County

  • Katrina's Garden Market - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, Eggs (free range), Farm market with fruits and vegetables,
    3/4 Miles West Of Holton On Highway 16, Holton, KS 66436. Phone: (785) 294-2948. Email: Open: Follow our Facebook page to know when we will be at the stand. Directions: Go 3/4 mile west of Holton on Highway 16 directly north of Banner Creek Lake. The stand is located on the north side of the highway. Go 2 miles west of Highway 62 on Highway 16. Go 1.5 miles north on C Road. The garden and pumpkin patch are on the west side of the road. Click here for a map and directions. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. (ADDED: April 25, 2020)

Jefferson County

Johnson County

Leavenworth County

Lyon County

Marshall County

Miami County

Nemaha County

Osage County

Pottawatomie County

  • Blue Barn Farm - snacks, refreshments and/or concessions, Eggs (free range), Farm market with fruits and vegetables, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, No pets please, Fresh eggs, gift shop, concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties are available, picnic area, face painting, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours, group reservations
    9955 Huff Road, Westmoreland, KS 66549. Phone: 785-457-1037. Alternate Phone: 785-280-9569. Email: Open: Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Just a short 25 minutes from Manhattan! Take highway 13 north across the dam 13 miles. Continue straight onto highway 16 towards Blaine. In 4 miles, turn left onto Otter Lake Road Proceed 1/8 of a mile to Huff Road and look for the blue barn. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. Fall decor, rustic finds, garden art, handmade soaps, and beautiful fall mums. We charge no admission for affordable family fun!.
  • Barr Bunch Family Farm - Pork, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, 100% grass and/or grain fed, Brown eggs, Fresh eggs
    17355 Lincoln Road, Onaga, KS 66521. Phone: 785-889-4422. Email: Open: We do not have 'business hours' on our micro - farm; We have a few hogs that are ready to be processed now and we also have a few feeder pigs. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. Click here for our Facebook page.

Shawnee County

Wabaunsee County

Wyandotte County