Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in Southern Minneapolis and Southern Suburbs, Minnesota? Scroll down this page and you will see the
aall of thoses in Southern Minneapolis and Southern Suburbs, Minnesota, sorted by county. Some are
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
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Updates for March 2025
Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.
Local meat, milk and eggs ranches and farms, by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Carver County
Dakota County
Highview Pastures Grass Fed Pasture Raised - Chicken
(free range), Turkey, Beef, Lamb, USDA Natural, No hormones
used, No antibiotics used, 100% Grass fed (includes finishing),
100% grass and/or grain fed, Within an easy drive to an
Interstate road, No pets please, Turkeys (organic,
25735 Highview Avenue, Farmington, MN 55024.
Phone: 952-985-7577. Email:
moo@highviewpastures.com. Open: Call for hours. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page. Angus is 100% grass fed.
Turkeys and chickens are pasture raised.
Le Seur Conty
My Minnesota Farmer - Fresh eggs,Lamb, Pork, Beef,
Chickens, Turkeys
35100 191st Avenue, Montgomery, MN 56069.
Phone: 612-245-6271. Alternate Phone: 507-364-7348. Email:
csa@mymnfarmer.com. Open: Please contact us to find a time
to come to our U - pick farm; We will make sure that when you
want to come the produce is plentiful and perfectly ripe.
Directions: From the twin cities take 35 south until you come to
county road 1 which is the Montgomery and Dundas exit. Follow
exit and take a right onto County road 1. Follow 1 which turns
into county road 26. After driving on county road 26 through
Montgomery continue on 26 for three miles. Take a left onto
County Road 136. We are the first house on the right.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. We
have CSA, Farm Parties, Lamb, Pork, Beef, Chickens, Turkeys and
eggs ADDED: January 29, 2010)
McLeod County
Nicollet County
Ramsey County
Rice County
Auntie Annie's Fields - Chicken (free range), USDA
Natural, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, 100% mixture of
corn, grain, soybeans and/or other natural supplemental feeds,
Hiking trails, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road,
children welcome,
12456 Bagley Avenue, Dundas, MN 55019.
Phone: 507-545-4662. Email:
auntieanniesfields@gmail.com. Open: Winter hours by
appointment only; Summer hours will be posted at the end of
March. Directions: We're located 45 minutes south of
Minneapolis, just off Interstate 35. Get off I-35 at the
Dundas-Montgomery Highway 1 exit (which is the exit south of the
Northfield exit). Go west on 1. At your first stop sign, take a
left onto Highway 46/Bagley Avenue We are 1.5 miles down on the
right side of the road, in a green house. If you hit Highway 8,
you've gone a little bit too far.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Chickens will be available for pick-up in Minneapolis starting
again in June. Our chickens eat fresh clover with such gusto
that their beaks click! They really run around living chickenly
lives. We rotate their yard, so they always have fresh greens.
The grain they eat is never sprayed with chemicals and is
non-GMO. We sell whole, frozen birds. Never-frozen birds must be
reserved ahead of time and are available three times a year at
our farm.
Scott County
Sibley County
Washington County