Find locally raised meat, milk and eggs near you!

Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in Capital Region (aka Hudson Valley) of New York State? Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Capital Region (aka Hudson Valley) of New York State, sorted by county. Some are organic ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

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Updates for March 2025

Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.

Local meat, milk and eggs ranches and farms, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Albany County

Rensselaer County

  • The Farm at Kristy's Barn - Chicken (free range), Turkey, Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb, Eggs (free range, vegetarian fed), sausage, Bacon (pork), Smoked meats, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, School tours, children welcome, No pets please, handicap accessible, Turkeys, Honey from hives on the farm, Fresh eggs, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the premises), restrooms, picnic area, petting zoo, school tours
    2385 Brookview Road, Castleton, NY 12033. Phone: (518) 477-6250. Email: Open: Always available in store; Call to get on our list for monthy fresh Pasture Raised Chicken (518) 477 am to 6250. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Exit 10 off I-90 Head in the direction of the gas stations Straight through the traffic light Turn left at the end of the road We are on the right. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. We are a family run, low spray, no spray farm feeding capital district families since 1910.
  • Tarbox Farms Earth's Bounty - Beef, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian fed), Farm market with fruits and vegetables, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road,
    1533 Ny 7, Troy, NY 12180. Phone: 518-279-9517. Open: Everyday 9am to 6pm, at the farm stand May 1 to October 31, at the farm house or by calling 518 am to 279 am to 9517 November 1 to April 30. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, WIC Vouchers, SFMNP Vouchers.

Saratoga County

Schenectady County

  • The Bee Bog Farm - Uses natural growing practices, Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian fed), Brown eggs, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, School tours, children welcome, Honey from hives on the farm, Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, Fresh eggs
    3469 Currybush Road, Schenectady , NY 12306. Phone: (518) 225-9823. Email: Open: Monday to Friday from 5 pm to 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 8 am to 8 pm. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We use natural practices, but are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash, Check, PayPal, Venmo. Click here for our Facebook page. They sell local raw unfiltered honey, farm fresh eggs, pure NY Maple syrup, bees wax chapstick and a variety of soaps made with natural farm ingredients. (ADDED: July 21, 2022)

Warren County

Washington County

  • The Common Sense Farm - Certified Organic,
    41 North Union Street, Cambridge, NY 12816. Phone: 518-723-4955. Email: Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We are certified organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check.
  • Liebigs' Strawberry Ridge Farm - Beef, blueberries, raspberries (red), raspberries (Autumn, red), raspberries (black), raspberries (Autumn, black), strawberries, U-pick and already picked, picnic area, farm animals, school tours
    66 Middleton Road, North Granville, NY 12832. Phone: 518-642-1385. Open: Pick you own strawberries are available from early to mid June through early June; The farm is open 7 am to 7 pm seven days a week; U pick black raspberries are available in late June/early July and red raspberries are available in mid - August through the first hard frost occurence of the fall. Directions: Liebigs' Strawberry Ridge Farm is located on Middleton Road in the hamlet of Truthville, which is part of the township of Granville, NY. The most immediate way to find the farm is take County Route 12 off of State Route 22. Once on County Route 12, look for Middleton Road (appx. one half mile from Route 22) and travel 3/10's of a mile. The farm is on the right hand side. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Located in Granville, New York, Strawberry Ridge is a 118-acre, family-owned farm nestled along the banks of the picturesque Mettowee River in Washington County, near the New York-Vermont border. We grow more than a dozen varieties of crops and specialize in U-pick strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pumpkins and other fall produce. We also raise a herd of Scottish Highland cattle, which are sustained exclusively on a grass-fed diet.we raise our cattle on an exclusively grass-fed diet. They spend their entire lives on pasture. No factory line feed lots. No artificial hormones or antibiotics. At Strawberry Ridge, we believe in the benefits of grass-fed beef. After all, "you are what you eat." Highlands are slow maturing, making meat tender, flavorful and succulent. As previously mentioned, the breed is characterized by it's long coat, which eliminates the need for the thick layer of back fat found in other breeds. This results in leaner cuts of beef. Analysis of highland beef has found to be lower in cholesterol and fat than other breeds. ​These characteristics are enhanced by our own practices of rotating pasture and providing a grass-fed diet. When compared to grain-fed beef, grass-fed beef has been found to be lower in fat, contain fewer calories, have a healthier ​ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats, and possesses more vitamin E and beta-carotene. A study by the Scottish Agriculture College also determined highland beef is higher in protein and iron than beef from other breeds. In addition, when you purchase beef from us, you can rest assured knowing our animals were raised humanely and ethically. Our cattle spend their entire lives on pasture, which helps maintain a balanced body chemistry (studies have found the concentrations of e-coli pathogens in the internal systems of grass-fed cattle is much lower than animals on a grain-intensive diet). ​Our animals are also slaughtered and processed in accordance with all USDA guidelines.
  • Tiashoke Farms - beef, pork, dairy,  farm market, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area
    11822 New York 40, Schaghticoke, NY 12154. Phone: 518-527-3949. Alternate Phone: 58-859-4741. Email: Open: daily 8 am to 8 pm. Directions: We are located half way between Schaghticoke and Greenwich on NYS Route 40. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Visa/MasterCard. We offer the largest assortment of pumpkins, gourds and squash in the area with over 50 varieties available - all home grown. We also offer other fall decorations, including indian corn, corn stalks, hay bales and more. On Sundays this year, we will offer a hay ride through our dairy farm, giving visitors a better understanding of a modern farm and terrific views of protected farmland along the historic Hudson River Valley. (UPDATED: September 02, 2015)