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Find locally raised meat, milk and eggs near you!

Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in The southwestern Tip of Virginia? Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in The southwestern Tip of Virginia, sorted by county. Some are organic ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for March 2025

Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.

Local meat, milk and eggs ranches and farms, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Bristol (City of)

Buchanan County

Carroll County

  • The B and J Ranch - Chicken (free range), Turkey, Duck, Beef, Pork, Goat meat, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, 100% Corn fed, 100% Grain fed, 100% grass and/or grain fed, snacks, refreshments and/or concessions, Fresh ice cream, made on premises, Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian fed), Eggs (free range, vegetarian fed), sausage, Smoked meats, Farm market with fruits and vegetables, Restaurant, Restrooms, Wedding facilities, Hiking trails, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, Farm/ranch tours for visitors, children welcome, handicap accessible,
    68 Two Mile Rd, Woodlawn, VA 24381. Phone: 276-235-4624. Alternate Phone: 276-235-4471. Email: Bobbywall1983@gmail.com . Open: Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 2 and Fridays 4 pm to 8. Directions: Payment: Cash, only. (ADDED: June 26, 2016)

Dickenson County

Galax (City of)

Grayson County

Lee County

  • Ararat Farm - Grass Fed & Finished Beef, Pastured Pork, picnic area (bring your own food), farm animals, school tours
    294 Ararat Dr, Jonesville, Va, VA 24263. Phone: (276) 708-6913. Email: locallunaticfarmer@hushmail.com. Directions: From Jonesvill,VA Head south on state route 70 for 5 miles. turn left on middle wallens creek road Farm entrance is on the left in 200 feet. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
    Beef: At Ararat Farm we raise intensively managed, mob grazed beef. This means that they are moved onto fresh pasture at least daily (we try for multiple moves a day through the summer). This keeps them away from their manure and parasites and gives the grass adequate rest for regrowth. The mob grazing stimulates the microbes in the soil into overdrive, pulling minerals and nutrients to the grasses increasing leaf growth. This results in a rich, lush variety salad bar that the cattle graze on. Even in the winter we are able to graze most of the way through with just a little grass hay supplement. The cattle are grass finished which means that they are grassed completely to slaughter weight on pasture with no added feeds. We have switched to using South Poll cattle. This breed is a hardy, southern grass cow that gives us a step ahead on selecting quality genetics. We rely on good genetics and management to ensure our herd performs well without inputs, such as vaccines, grain feed or hormones. Grass cattle are breeds of cattle that perform well on pasture as they were created to do; as opposed to grain cattle breeds which are suited for the manure lagoon feed lots that most beef is fattened in. Our beef is sold by the 1/4, 1/2 and whole. We butcher in the Spring (May) and Fall (September) to ensure you are always stocked up in beef. We have recently partnered with Naturally A Deal (an online food co-op) to sell our ground beef. We sell the beef by the carcass weight which is a standard weight used by producers and butchers to determine value. Typical take home weight is roughly 70% of the carcass weight. When you pick up your beef, each cut is individually labeled and vacuum packed for your convenience. A visual difference between grass fed/finished and grain fed beef is the marbling. Grain fat gives a very visible yellowish fat marbling which is high in omega 6 fatty acids.
    Pork: Our herd of heritage breed pigs is rotated through an abundance of fresh pasture and lush woods to allow them to forage an incredible variety of nutrients. This causes the pigs to thrive and make fat and juicy, mouth watering pork. We manage the pigs differently than the cows when it comes to the ground they are on. We leave the pigs on the ground longer than the cows in order to provide proper stimulation to promote plant root structure and soil microbes from the pigs tillage.
    Just like the cows, the pigs have a very happy life with just one bad day. Our target weight with the pigs is roughly 175 to 275 lbs. hanging carcass weight. We sell the pork by 1/2 and whole per lb. of carcass weight. We sell the pork by the carcass weight which is a standard weight used by producers and butchers to determine value. Take home weights are roughly 75% of carcass weight. The butcher who serves us is able to not only make fantastic sausage (MSG&Gluten Free), but is also able to both smoke and brine cure ham and bacon (brine curing is how grocery store bacon is cured). When you pick up your pork, each cut is individually labeled and vacuum packed for your convenience.
    (ADDED: November 15, 2018)

Norton (City of)

Russell County

Scott County

Smyth County

  • Hayes Valley Farms - SQE Organic, Eggs (organic, free range, vegetarian fed), Duck eggs, Quail eggs, Colored eggs, Specialty eggs (see below), Chicken (free range), Duck, Goose, Beef, Pasture-raised Beef, Pork, Lamb, Mutton, Goat meat, USDA Natural, No hormones used, No antibiotics used, All meats are pasture-raised, All meats are regeneratively farmed, Milk, Organic Milk, Unpasteurized Cow Milk, Unpasteurized organic cow milk, Goat Milk, Unpasteurized Goat Milk, Unpasteurized organic goat milk, Kefir, Milk, Organic Milk, Unpasteurized Cow Milk, Unpasteurized organic cow milk, Goat milk (unpasteurized), Goat milk (unpasteurized, organic), Farm market with fruits and vegetables, Wedding facilities, Hiking trails, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, Farm/ranch tours for visitors, School tours, children welcome, No pets please, Cell service cell phones work here, CSA, petting zoo, farm animals, milk a real cow, goat walk, No dogs allowed except for service animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours, group reservations
    1341 Matson Drive, Marion, VA 24354. Phone: (276) 299-3747. Email: Hayesfarmlife@gmail.com. Open: Monday through Saturday from 1 pm to 6 pm; Closed on Sundats. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We use natural organic practices, and are subject to the NOP small quantity exemption. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, All credit cards, SFMNP Vouchers, SNAP Vouchers.
    Hayes Valley Farms Facebook page.
    Hayes Valley Farms Instagram page.
    Hayes Valley Farms twitter page.
    (ADDED: September 03, 2024)

Tazewell County

Washington County

  • Glenmary Gardens - 100% Grass-fed Beef, Pastured Poultry (May-November), Pastured Pork, Pastured Eggs, pumpkins, strawberries, gift shop, picnic area, farm animals, weddings and wedding parties, school tours,
    224 Old Abingdon Hwy, Bristol, VA 24201. Phone: 603-526-5146. Email: michael@glenmaryfarms.com. Open: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 12:30; Saturday from 10:00 to 4:00. Directions: From either north or south on I-81 take exit 5. If you are coming from the north take a left off the exit and take your first left onto Old Abingdon highway If you are coming from the south take a left off the exit and take your first right onto Old Abingdon highway Follow for about one mile until you get to stoplight. Take a right onto East Valley and farm is on right. Click here for a map and directions. Strawberries from July 15th until September 30th; Pumpkins from September 30th until October 31st. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, SFMNP Vouchers. (UPDATED: May 12, 2014, from VAG)

Wise County

Wythe County