The map below is a clickable reference to the counties in . Just click on the area of the map where you'd like to find a ranch, dairy or farm! Just press the BACK key to return to the previous page or use the quick links at left!
(Other countries are further down this page)
[ Australia ] [ Canada ]
[ Germany
] [Ireland] [Italy] [Japan]
[Malta] [Nederland / Holland / the Netherlands] [ South Africa ] [ New Zealand ]
[Philippines ]
[Switzerland ]
[ United Kingdom ]
[ Adding a Farm outside of North America ]
Looking for pick your own farms in other countries? Living in another
country, such as France, Italy (Italia), Germany (Deutschland), Nederlands,
or Sweden? Help me compile a list for your country -
just write me!
Want to find out when your favorite crop will be ready to harvest in your local area? Just go to this page and click on your state, to see the crop calendar for your area!
Do you know of any more farms, dairies or ranches, etc. in ? Please tell me about them - Click here to write to me!