Find locally raised meat, milk and eggs here!

Looking for a farm or ranch for fresh meat, milk or eggs in Greater London and Surrey, England? Scroll down this page and you will see the aall of thoses in Greater London and Surrey, England, sorted by county. Some are organic ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for March 2025

Higher costs of production due to higher fuel and fertilizer costs is driving some meat producers out of business.

Local Meat, Milk and Eggs Listings, by county

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

There are no ranches inside the M25; but there are several nearby in Kent, see this page, and also on the west side, in Oxfordshire and Hampshire.

Greater London, aka Middlesex

  • Forty Hall Farm - lamb, eggs, beef, pork, fruit and veg, farmshop,
    Forty Hall Farm, Forty Hill, Enfield, EN2 9HA. Phone: 020 8363 1393. All day Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday afternoon only. Email: Open: Forty Hall Farm is open to visitors on the following days.Saturday: 11am to 3.30pm last entry to the farm is at 2.30pm; Sunday from 11am to 3.30pm last entry to the farm is at 2.30pm. The Forty Hall Farm Shop is open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 11am to 4pm. We sell our own organic farm produce, including vegetables, salad, eggs, flowers and free-range meat. All of the fresh produce is grown on Forty Hall Farm and our freezer is stocked with our own lamb, pork (including sausages) and occasionally our Red Poll beef. We also stock produce from other local producers, including honey from Hertfordshire, ales and ciders from the East London Brewery and the New River Brewery, chutneys and pickles by Fruit Magpie, Rubies in the Rubble, Youngs Provisions among lots of other tasty morsels. The Farm Shop also stocks the Farm’s very own Forty Hall Vineyard 2018 Bacchus and Ortega still wines and the 2016 sparkling wine together with local Old Bakery Gin.


  • Ashford Farm - Free Range Turkeys, Geese, beef, lamb, pork
    Ashford Farm, Ashford Lane, Steep, Petersfield GU32 1AA. Phone: 01730 268131. Email: Open: see their page. Ashford Farm produces fresh British free range turkeys and geese for the Christmas market. We farm around 1000 free range turkeys, 130 free range geese and 100 ducks. They arrive at the farm as day olds in April (the geese) and June (the turkeys) and as soon as they “feather up” they have daily access to our fields, where you will find them perching on the perimeter fences or having dust baths in our wood-shaving pile! We also farm a small suckler herd of cows under the watchful eye of Jacaranda the pedigree Charolais Bull, rearing around 40 home bred calves a year. These are sold mainly as store cattle at around 18 months of age, although some we take through to provide fresh quality beef boxes at the farm gate. We also have a flock of sheep and a number of outdoor reared pigs, which enables us to sell our home-bred fresh lamb and pork boxes during the year, as well as our gammons, sausages and bacon at Christmas time. In addition we have a handful of free range laying hens, who can often be spotted scurrying around the hedgerows and who provide fresh eggs! Ashford Farm facebook page.